Welcome at our homepage! This site is completely dedicated to our ferrets. Our beloved ferrets are Kai and Bo, brother and sister and Skunky, their mother. They are all three sandy color ferrets and if you browse our site you can find plenty pictures and stories on our three fuzzy pets.
There is also a lot of information to be discovered on our old site.
Hello everyone, it has been a while that I have updated the site. There is no special reason for this except that there are other things happening in our life such as a new job and starting a new site.
But now there's something to share with you and that is a new finished painting.
This painting is of Cat, our little albino lady. The story on Cat is something that I must finish on the site and hopefully I'll find the time soon. It's a rather sad story I can tell you... Unfortunately, Cat is no longer with us.
We felt we had to do something to honor Cat and therefore we dedicated our new site to her. This site is all about a new thing of Marjan and that is creating beautifully and exclusive designs of hammocks, sleeping bag's and complete sets of waterbed for ferrets. She even specializes in decorating the famous Ferret Nation cages. The site is in Dutch only since this is our primary target of customers but who'll know, perhaps we go international one day. You can find the site at Fretties.nl.
A couple of months ago, Marjan decided to make a painting of her and I can proudly tell you, it is finished and it is fabulous! So hurry yourself to the Paintings and enjoy!
Is it something all ferrets do? When they feel sleepy and tired they look for a comfortable place to take a nap. And when they have found that special spot they throw themselves on their back and take that 'only possible by ferret' curly position... That way of sleeping gave my the possibility to take a close-up picture of Kai's paw.
Isn't this beautiful? It almost looks a bit like a human hand....
For the first time we have something else to win... I guess everyone who is visiting our site regularly is familiar with the items we give away as a prize. These are the well crafted ferret play tunnels, hammocks and play cubes made by Marjan.
This time we have something completely different but nevertheless, something to be very proud of. You can win a real size reproduction of the latest painting of Marjan, the wonderful painting of Max!
This reproduction has the actual size of the real painting and measures 70 by 60 centimeters and is printed on high quality photopaper.
For those who want to win a beautiful reproduction just enter the new quiz on the Web Ferrets and who knows.... you'll be the winner!
* This quiz is closed.
The Spring already has begun and in the last days of the winter we actually had some snow! This was a great opportunity to take the ferrets out and let them experience the snow. Of course I brought my cam with me to take some pictures. Here are some nice shots!
New Guestbook!
As I wrote before, our previous guestbook appeared to be very attractive to spambots and their illustrious friends. Someday's I had to delete multiple pages which were fully filled with entries concerning the most filthy messages.
But this has ended! I found a new script which I adapted, tweaked and tuned for the Web Ferrets. So, if you want to leave a message hurry yourself under the Couch or simply, click here!
Sometimes it is so difficult to write about the most sad events in your life. In this case it is about one of our dearest ferrets, Cat... Let me take you back some two and a halve years ago....
Cat was a ferret with a sad history.
Cat lived on her own feces for the first five years of her life. People who noticed her miserable situation took her away to rescue her from this hell house she lived in.
Unfortunately, these people had no experience with ferrets at all but they felt that she needed a better place to stay but as time went on, it seemed that they had a problem.
One day they knocked on our door, asking for help. We went over to them and this was the first time we saw her... A little albino female ferret, only aware of the space of her cage she was in. We urged the caretakers to take her to a vet to let her get examined. It appeared that they hadn't the money for it so we decided to take care of this. We trusted them and as we hoped for, they took her to a vet.
A couple of weeks went by and when we met again it was obvious that they hadn't enough money to give her what she needed. It took us only a matter of moments to suggest if we could take care of her. They agreed on this and from that day on Cat was our latest member of our ferrets.
Cat appeared to be very sick and the first thing we did was to take her to our vet. It seemed that five years of wrong food was disastrous for Cat's stomach and bowels. After surgery her chances were very small to get well.
The following weeks, Cat fought for her life and a little miracle occured; she won the fight and for a little moment in her life, she knew what it was to be some sort of 'healthy' ferret. Marjan contacted our good friend Denise to help Cat with her homeopathic knowledge. So, with regular medication (antibiotics and stomach medication) and homeopathic suspense's Cat lived a reasonable ferret life.
This went on for some two years but as of last autumn, we noticed that life became a more struggled life for Cat. She had more downs then ups and we knew that we couldn't let her become very sick again.
Only some weeks ago she became very sick and of course, we rushed to our vet. We already had made a decision; if this should be the moment, we would let her go... Unfortunately, this appeared to be that horrible moment. Bloodtest showed that she was in a downward spiral and there was absolutely no chance in recovery for her. So, we had to let her go....
This al happened between and around other issues in our life and it seems that Cat never got the attention she deserved on our site. Perhaps her innocence and the fact that she never asked for anything made that she was almost unnoticeable. Although we had a tight scheme for giving her the medication, it never was a problem and Marjan always did this with upmost love and care for Cat.
Cat certainly left her pawprint in our heart and we miss her terribly.
Roll the drums ladies and gentlemen!
Because we have a new winner of the latest Web Ferret quiz! You want to know who this lucky winner is? Hurry yourself under the Couch to find out!
I have decided to shutdown my current guestbook.
The last couple of weeks I'm having enormous numbers of spam and in the beginning I could clean the guestbook about once or twice a week. Nowadays I find myself cleaning pages of multiple entries of spam. I really don't understand what those idiots try to achieve since it is all about porn. As if I couldn't find it without their help....
I'm currently working on a new script based on a script I found on the internet. I have to tweak it here and there but it has a verification code, a 'censored' word list and a hidden field that blocks the entry when it is filled (and those suckers love to fill out fields!)
Hi ferretfriends! Let me start by wishing you a very good and healthy 2008! Again a new year with new challenges and experiences. Hopefully with a lot a fun from our fuzzies and the joy of their presence.
We had a bit exciting start this year. As you might have read, this month Skunky should be neutered and last week we had an appointment planned for her...
So, last Thursday we drove of to our ferret vet with Skunky and we had already spoken to her about Skunky. Skunky's life was merely made up of breeding. She is the mother of our Kai and Bo and she has had several other nests. Her previous owner (who cashed the money for the pups) was unsuccessful in 2007 to get Skunky pregnant again so she decided she had to go. Even more, Skunky had at least two but maybe three phantom pregnancies. Besides this, she is almost five years of age and this all together was reason for a thorough check during the neutering.
This resulted in a removed gallbladder (including several gall stones), her womb, some minor tumors on her pancreas and her ovaries. Quite an operation on such a small creature.... Although we had small hopes that we could take her home the same day, this situation was reason enough to keep her under observation for the night and the next morning. Our vet wanted to see how she would react the next day so we drove home without her. Luckily the next morning we got good news, we could come over and take her home!
Later that evening we came home with Skunky and although it was only for one night, we had missed her terribly!
She is doing fine right now. She must be in pain because of the surgery and she sleeps a lot. This afternoon she walked around for a bit but she is having trouble with that. Therefore we let her be in her hammock to rest and to get well soon.
Here is a picture of her, all rolled up and sleeping.....
Hurry yourself under the Couch because the Web Ferrets snuggled something funny underneath!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
Hello everyone, it is winter time and to show you how beautiful this can be I am proud to announce a new painting from Marjanne. I promise you that you'll get shivers down your spine! So, check the Paintings!
Although I'm very happy with our new design, I felt that there was something missing. It took a while before I noticed that I didn't liked the look of the pictures and how they were displayed within the design. So I thought of something else and I have been working hard on the change. Have a look at our pictures and at the paintings. As I said, hopefully you'll like it!
Did you participate on our latest quiz? Are you the winner? It could be you know....
Hurry over and see what's under the couch and see for yourself!
Check out the Paintings because the latest work of Marjan is finished.
During my search for CSS tips & tricks I found this really nice site... Enjoy!
I almost forgot to mention this but I would like to thank my good friend and colleague Rudy Luiten who fixed the script for our quiz! He is a real webhero! Thanks mate!
Hello dear fuzzy friends! It has been a while since the last update. And there's a very good reason for it. And I bet you want to know what that reason is ;o) Ok, here's the story....
A long time ago we felt that it was not good for Kai and Bo to live down in our ship. The room where their cage is located is pretty dark since this room used to be the cargo hold of the ship. There are now a couple of portholes but they only give very low light during the daytime. Kai and Bo therefore totally lacked sense of season and we noticed that they were affected by this in a negative manner.
So one day we decided to make them a garden! I hear you thinking.... A garden on a ship? Yes, we made a garden! But not on our ship but on the pontoon next to our ship. To give you an idea how this looks like, see the picture.
A while ago we both took 4 weeks vacation and started this whole project. We began with making a metal frame to build the new floor upon. After this we made a fence of ready made garden fences.
We also made a sandbox for them so they could dig into the sand and what is a garden without flowers and stuff. So, a large flowerbox filled with plants to dig in! They really love it!
And last but not least, we made them a new home. This is separated into two so that we can give each a place to sleep.
This is an overview of the finished garden.
And here are some shots of Kai, Bo and Cat in the garden.
Hi ferretfriends, we have some new pictures for you.
These were taken during a outside walk of Kai and Bo. It was a very windy day that afternoon but they seem to enjoy it very much. Because we were a little afraid of something going wrong if we would take them out at the same time, we decided to take Kai first and secondly our Bo.

Let's start with Kai. We gently took him outside and because there's a pretty long gangway before the shore is reached he started to get excited more and more. The strong wind blew pretty hard on top of the dike and at first it wasn't clear if he was excited or just simply afraid. This was his first trip outside in the real world!
See how he is loving the wind and how he snaps his ears to avoid the rumble of it. And than his nose up!
After this moment of sniffing the wind it was time to set foot on the ground.
He really loved it!
The grass stood very high because it wasn't mowed for quite some time.
He enjoyed taking a little spurt and then suddenly jump into the high grass to disappear completely! It was almost as if he was playing hide and seek or tag. It was fun to see him like that!
This was certainly a good thing for him and this got to think about something....
After this, it was Bo's turn to meet the outside world.
She also had this magnificent ability to snap her ears and close them for the wind.
Look at her beautiful portrait!
After letting her to get used to the noise of the wind it was
time for Bo to meet the grass!
Marjan put her gently on the ground and she she started to sniff around, taking up new scents she probably had never smelled before in her life.
Again, it was good to see how she enjoyed this little walk. Something we now know we should do more often ;o)
She was a bit cautious at the beginning but as a good ferret she quickly became very curious instead. Take a look at her tail :-)
She also was very curious, looking down the gangway to see what's going on down there. Unfortunately there were no swimming ducks around at that time because I would like to see how they would react on each other. Maybe next time!
Hello ferretlovers, it has been a while since the last update.
The only apology I have for that is that we have been working very hard on our ship where we live on. We grab every sunny and dry weekend with both hands to remove rust and paint the cleaned parts of the ship.
In a few weeks we take our vacation for four weeks and our plan is to get started in the inner bow of the ship and we are going to realize some sort of kitchen and laundry room. That will give us new space to get space for our new bathroom. So, there are plenty things to do and that's the reason for the delayed updates...
Our fuzzies are ok. Cat is getting a bit to fat ;o) but she is so darn adorable! Kai and Bo are ok also. Kai is loosing his winter coat but that's quit normal this time of year. I bought myself a new digital camera and last weekend I took some shots of them while they were playing with a floating balloon with a string attached....
Bo is trying to grab the string so she can pull down the balloon....
Kai is ready to launch himself :o)
Hi ferretfriends, time for an even shorter update.
I have just added the two latest paintings in the 'season' serie. The first one is of Luna, depicting a 'autumn' ferret and the second one is our Sisko as the 'spring' ferret. Enjoy!!
Hello dear friends, time for a short update.
have been working lately on this new design and I must say I like it a lot!
Hopefully you'll agree with me but I guess you still have to wait some
time because it is not finished yet.
We are going to drop some items such as the 'Links', 'History' and 'About
Us' section. This all shall be merged in the new design. Also the poll
shall be dropped because it was hardly voted on lately. The counter will
be gone as well since this is a bit outdated these days.
I hear you thinking.... What's left of the Web Ferrets? Well, I'm going
to use the new design for a more 'blogging' tool. Instead of the current
'Hot News' I can post all the news on the front-page. Oh, before I forget,
I kept a Guestbook so use can scribble your opinion on the new design
in there!
Well, that's it for now and stay tuned for the new Web Ferrets!
Hi ferretfriends! This is our first newspost in 2007. A bit late but on the other hand we have some good news for you.
Let me tell you about one of the best kept secrets on the Internet and especially on the forum of the Dutch Ferret Foundation. As you might know we have some very good friends over there and one of them, Kitty, had a real tough year concerning her two lovely ferrets, Mickey and Taffie. In short, they both suddenly died and the very sad thing is that in both cases Kitty couldn't be with them. Mickey died while Kitty was volunteering at summercamp of her gymnastic club. Only a few weeks later Taffie died at the vet and because of a messy organisation at the vet she was notified much to late to be with Taffie.... All in all a very sad story and poor Kitty felt guilty about the fact that she wasn't around when they both needed her. Of course, there was nothing that could change history and it took her a very long time to get in peace with it.
Much earlier I worked on a picture of Mickey and Taffie that was taken by Kitty while they were taking a walk. There was this one picture with a wonderfull pose of Mickey and Taffie. There was only one thing. I felt that the legs of Danielle, her best friend, were a bit 'not part of the picture' so I started to do some magic. This is the original picture:

After a night work in Photoshop I ended up with this result:

When we saw how devastated Kitty was after the sudden loss of Mickey and Taffie Marjanne decided to make her a painting of this picture. Of course, this had to be kept a secret and we felt it would make a perfect gift for her 21st birthday. In this period, she and the other friends visited us and every time we had to hide the painting that Marjanne was working on. When it was almost finished we sent the other friends a picture of it and asked them what they wanted to be changed so everybody knew except but Kitty :o)
On January 20th, she was celebrating her birthday and we wrapped up the painting and drove over to her home. She unwrapped it and well..... I thought I saw some blinking tears in her eyes.... She obviously was very happy and thrilled with this gift.
Do you want to know what this painting is looking like? Click here!
A new year, a new beginning. But what a year it was... We lost three of our dearest ferrets; Sisko, Luna and the most wonderful ferret ever, Buffy.
To read all the stories on them and more you can go to the overview of 2006.